25 Ways To Make Extra Money On The Homestead

Whether you are currently living on a homestead or dream to someday have a homestead of your own, a common concern is how to bring in extra income.  None of these ideas are going to make you rich, but they certainly can help cover some of your costs.

What I've found in my limited experience with selling our products, is that people want to support local and they want to know who made the product.  Making cards or brochures to have available with your items will be extremely helpful in selling your products.  Also, think about packaging.  Spend a little extra time to figure out attractive, low-cost packaging that stands out, represents your homestead and makes people want to buy your items.  If you're selling items that would be good gifts, try to add a bit about you or your farm on the labeling for the recipient.

There are always unexpected costs that pop up on a homestead - animal fencing, animal feed and care, outbuilding or home upkeep, gardening, etc.  It seems to always be something.  Here are a few things I thought of as ways you might earn a bit of extra income:

  • Raise chickens for eggs and sell excess.
  • Sell excess milk.
  • Sell excess produce.
  • Make and sell baked goods.
  • If your town allows, you can set up a small produce stand on your property with many of the above-mentioned products.
  • Selling at a Farmer's Market {check fees and requirements including insurance and licensing}.
  • Make and sell preserves.  You will find customers for not only the usual jams and jellies, but think about adding unusual items too such as garlic jelly, peach-lavender jam, carrot cake conserve, chutney's, etc.  If you make small recipe cards and share your family's recipes for using some of the more unusual blends you'll find customers excited to try what you have.
  • Raise animals for meat - sell per pound or sell portions of the animal prior to butchering.
  • Sell honey.
  • Breed and sell animals.
  • Run a small CSA.
  • Teach classes.  If you don't have the space to host this on your own homestead, often times your local B&B's are willing to rent out space in their off-season.
  • Sell your own dried herb blends, tea/tincture blends, dip mixes, etc.
  • Make and sell soap.
  • If you have a lot of trees, cut and sell firewood.
  • Make and sell compost using your animal's manure.
  • Make and sell cheese.
  • Take pre-orders for Holiday pies, cakes, candies, etc.
  • Sell plants. {if you save your own seeds you'll make even more money}
  • Sell wool from fiber animals.
  • Allow local photographers to utilize parts of your property for on-location photo shoots.  Charge per session.
  • Rent out farm space for weddings, receptions, etc.
  • Rent out farm space for farm-to-table dinners.
  • Make and sell your own farm cookbook.
  • If you're crafty, make and sell your handmade paintings, baskets, knit items, furniture, etc.
Before diving in to any of these ideas, please make sure to research your town's zoning laws, business license requirements, food preparing requirements, insurance requirements, etc.


  1. I do home made noodles for at our Farmers Market. Plus take orders for them at Christmas. You have lots of great ideas!

  2. What a great list! Thanks for taking the time to put it together for all of us. This past spring I made grapevine wreaths and sold them to friends. It wasn't much extra income but it made my time worth it to weave them together.

  3. I love this list! I'm pinning it for the future because I know it will come in handy :) There's always ways to make a little extra money, we just have to get crafty sometimes!

  4. Liz - making homemade pasta is brilliant! I didn't even think of it.
    Thanks Anna! Grapevine wreaths are very popular - what a great idea!
    Thanks Caitlin. So true that you have to get creative at times to bring in the extra income. :)

  5. I would love it if a local small farmer had some outreach that allowed families to bring young children to see where food actually comes from. There are only big industrial farms where I live and I have a three year old who thinks that eggs come from a box. Just a thought.

    1. Hi, I have a small scale garden and chickens I have a wonderful time with the children who visit, was very surprised when some of the parents didn't know how to pick string beans, or asked how do I have eggs when I don't have a rooster. I love to educate and run canning classes in the summer.

  6. Marina, look around for a place to buy fresh eggs, grassfed meats, or fresh milk. Most farmers selling these things are happy to have customers come for a tour. We encourage visiting and children at our farm, the kids just have to be old enough to be told not to touch the electric fencing.

  7. We bought a small commercial mill and sourced whole grains. Milled to order on site at farmer's market. Made a profit the first season.


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